hasura graphql 生产的使用是推荐使用webhook 进行角色访问控制的,官方同时提供了一个nodejs
git clone https://github.com/hasura/sample-auth-webhook
api 格式说明
auth0 auth0/auth0Handler.jsvar express = require('express');var auth0Router = express.Router();var requestClient = require('request');var auth0Domain = process.env.AUTH_ZERO_DOMAIN;/* Auth webhook handler for auth0 Flow: 1) Expects access_token to be sent as 'Authorization: Bearer2) Verified access_token by fetching /userinfo endpoint from auth0 Usage: 1) From your application, when you call Hasura's GraphQL APIs remember to send the access_token from auth0 as an authorization header 2) Replace the url (https://test-hasura.auth0.com/userinfo) in the code below with your own auth0 app url*/auth0Router.route('/webhook').get((request, response) => { // Throw 500 if auth0 domain is not configured if (!auth0Domain) { response.status(500).send('Auth0 domain not configured'); return; } var token = request.get('Authorization'); if (!token) { response.json({'x-hasura-role': 'anonymous'}); return; } else { // Fetch information about this user from // auth0 to validate this token // NOTE: Replace the URL with your own auth0 app url var options = { url: `https://${auth0Domain}/userinfo`, headers: { Authorization: token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }; requestClient(options, (err, res, body) => { if (!err && res.statusCode == 200) { var userInfo = JSON.parse(body); console.log(userInfo); //debug var hasuraVariables = { 'X-Hasura-User-Id': userInfo.sub, 'X-Hasura-Role': 'user' }; console.log(hasuraVariables); // For debug response.json(hasuraVariables); } else { // Error response from auth0 console.log(err, res, body); response.json({'x-hasura-role': 'anonymous'}); return; } }); }});module.exports = auth0Router;普通rest api: server.jsapp.get('/simple/webhook', (request, response) => { // Extract token from request var token = request.get('Authorization'); // Fetch user_id that is associated with this token fetchUserInfo(token, (result) => { // Return appropriate response to Hasura var hasuraVariables = { 'X-Hasura-Role': 'user', // result.role 'X-Hasura-User-Id': '1' // result.user_id }; response.json(hasuraVariables); });});上边的代码比较简单就是提供一个webhook 的rest api 地址,获取请求中的token (Authorization)之后进行判定,并返回使用json表示,用户对应的role 以及user-id (X-Hasura-User-Id 、X-Hasura-Role)